The advantages of a house washing service extend beyond the immediate aesthetic appeal. Whether you have plans to sell your home or not, it’s essential to understand the many benefits it offers. Surprisingly, a simple house washing service can boost your property’s value by up to 10%, which is a substantial increase. House washing isn’t just about surface cleaning; it significantly enhances your home’s curb appeal and ensures its long-term durability through proper maintenance. It’s an efficient and effective solution that can make you fall in love with your home all over again, thanks to the transformation it brings.
Taking care of your property is crucial for its longevity and maintaining its good condition. This applies to various exterior elements of your home, including the siding. Regular cleaning and maintenance go a long way in keeping these surfaces strong and durable over time. Rather than waiting for deterioration and facing the expenses of replacements, investing in proper maintenance is a more cost-effective approach. Our house washing service in Appleton, Wisconsin, provides an affordable solution for homeowners who wish to ensure their homes are well-maintained while also saving money in the long run. We’re here to help you preserve the beauty and integrity of your property.
At Timler Exterior Services – Pressure Washing, customer satisfaction is at the forefront of our mission as well. Our commitment is to provide exceptional service that not only meets but exceeds our customers’ expectations. We prioritize customer satisfaction in every aspect of our work, from the quality of our services to the level of customer care we provide. Our goal is to consistently deliver outstanding results and ensure a positive experience for our clients. We encourage you to review our online testimonials, where you’ll find consistent five-star ratings and a loyal base of repeat customers who continue to rely on us for their exterior cleaning needs. Your satisfaction is our ultimate reward, and we strive to maintain your trust in our services.
The advantages of a house washing service extend beyond the immediate aesthetic appeal. Whether you have plans to sell your home or not, it’s essential to understand the many benefits it offers. Surprisingly, a simple house washing service can boost your property’s value by up to 10%, which is a substantial increase. House washing isn’t just about surface cleaning; it significantly enhances your home’s curb appeal and ensures its long-term durability through proper maintenance. It’s an efficient and effective solution that can make you fall in love with your home all over again, thanks to the transformation it brings.
Taking care of your property is crucial for its longevity and maintaining its good condition. This applies to various exterior elements of your home, including the siding. Regular cleaning and maintenance go a long way in keeping these surfaces strong and durable over time. Rather than waiting for deterioration and facing the expenses of replacements, investing in proper maintenance is a more cost-effective approach. Our house washing service in Appleton, Wisconsin, provides an affordable solution for homeowners who wish to ensure their homes are well-maintained while also saving money in the long run. We’re here to help you preserve the beauty and integrity of your property.
At Timler Exterior Services – Pressure Washing, customer satisfaction is at the forefront of our mission as well. Our commitment is to provide exceptional service that not only meets but exceeds our customers’ expectations. We prioritize customer satisfaction in every aspect of our work, from the quality of our services to the level of customer care we provide. Our goal is to consistently deliver outstanding results and ensure a positive experience for our clients. We encourage you to review our online testimonials, where you’ll find consistent five-star ratings and a loyal base of repeat customers who continue to rely on us for their exterior cleaning needs. Your satisfaction is our ultimate reward, and we strive to maintain your trust in our services.
Picked up phone call right away, quoted same day. Did a great job pressure washing my driveway and oxidation removal on faded vinyl brick siding. Very professional, and responsive.
Alex, I sincerely appreciate you pressure washing my fence, your excellent care of details of my fence give the fence a new life. Thanks !! R.J.
Alex was very professional and cleaned my gutters which had a few blockages. He was very conscientious. I will hire him again.
Picked up phone call right away, quoted same day. Did a great job pressure washing my driveway and oxidation removal on faded vinyl brick siding. Very professional, and responsive.
Alex, I sincerely appreciate you pressure washing my fence, your excellent care of details of my fence give the fence a new life. Thanks !! R.J.
Alex was very professional and cleaned my gutters which had a few blockages. He was very conscientious. I will hire him again.
No. The low pressure cleaning solution is gentle, and no more powerful than a garden hose of water coming out. We also rinse your home with water afterwards with the same pressure. Your home is never safer than when being clean with a soft wash.
Absolutely, house washing can have a significant positive impact on your home’s value. It’s not always the first consideration for homeowners, but it can increase your property’s value by as much as 10%, which is excellent news if you’re planning to sell your home. Even if you have no immediate plans to sell, house washing services provide an instant boost to your home’s curb appeal, enhancing its overall appearance. This increased curb appeal is something you can enjoy and benefit from every day, making your home more attractive and enjoyable to live in.
Not at all. Our team preps every home before performing a house wash. We seal and cover all electric outlets and switches. We also cover all painted doors, and move sensitive items away from the home. Fans are dusted and cleaned individually as well to prevent water intrusion from needless water spraying. Our team members will go over the preparation with you when they visit for the consultation.
When you have a house wash, we clean the windows with our cleaning solution to remove dirt, algae and bugs nests, but oftentimes with the high mineral content in our water we are left with hard water spots. That’s why we do offer spot-free window cleaning as an option. More information on that here.